20 30 40 abra-kadabra absorbing-man actortest adam-strange aerial aguila allura angelus angle-man announce apr-14 aug-14 bamf batman batwoman beast beckett birds birds-of-prey black-canary black-cat black-knight black-lightning blackout black-panther black-widow blockbuster blue-beetle bogart bombshell bucky burst captain-america captain-atom captain-boomerang captain-cold carrie-kelley cascade catriona character cheshire city clayface colossus comet-x control-freak count-nefaria cyberdragon dailybugle dailyplanet dc deadpool dec-14 defenders despero diamond-lil doctor-mid-nite doctor-midnite domino dwarfstar eel elasi-girl elasti-girl evil-star faction fairchild fc feb-14 feb-15 flash futura gc gearbox geist ghost-fox ghost-rider global glplot1 golden-glider gomdulla gorilla-grodd gotham gothamgazette gplot1 gplot2 gray green-lantern griffin guardians harleen-quinn hawkette hawkeye hawkgirl hellfire-club hellstorm hellstrom hero hfc historic home honeymoon-tracy hummingbird huntress ic iceman image indigo iron-man jack-flag jack-of-hearts jan-15 jubilee juggernaut jul-14 jun-14 justice justice-league kaylee kelly kid-omega kyani kyle lady-blackhawk lexxie lobo location log logan london lov madame-hydra magistra major-anthony-holland major-disaster manphibian mar-14 marko martian-manhunter marvel marvel-girl may-14 may-15 megan mercury metallo metro metropolis michael-garin mirage miss-martian miss-marvel mongo moon-knight moon-maiden ms-martian mystic mystique nanali neutral neutron news nightcrawler nov-14 nov-26 npc nyc oc oct-14 other othernews outside outsiders pain pc pepper-potts piledriver plot pluto power-woman razor rebirth red-sonja re:justice reputation re:robin re:taskmaster rico robin rom roster rostered ruth-maxwell satana scarlet-witch scorpion selene sep-14

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