Log Title |
Summary: | Captain Atom encounters Xandra (Xavin) and they discuss his/her situation and the opportunities of the world beyond the Suicide Slum. |
Date: | IC Date 2014-10-10 |
Related: | None |
NPCs: | None |
Scene Runner: | NA |
Social/Plot: | Social |
-==[ Suicide Slum — Metropolis ]==-------——
Suicide Slum is one of the less developed neighborhoods on New Troy. Even though Braniac's mechanizations took hold here, most of the superstructure of this part of the city struggles with maintenance and correction. This area is a site of vast enngines and uncontrolled conduits. The harbor area has become a huge hydroelectric dam creating a sheer drop that became a popular suicide point. Crime is a constant here, and most people who live in the area have the weight of fear atop their shoulders.
As with all of New Troy (the island of Metropolis), this area is maintained by robotic drones that clean the streets, take out the trash, and TRY to keep everything looking nice. It's a constant struggle as gangs try and sabotage their production. Above, flying cars zoom through the cityscape.
Moments earlier; an explosion occured in one of the Metropolis light and power substations. The call went out over the emergency channels that indicated the area was still live and systems could not be shut down or rerouted. That drew the attention of Captain Atom so he flew straight away from NYC to Metropolis's very own Suicide Slum to render aid to the situation.
Upon his arrival, he was able to absorb the energies of the substation and cut the overload before it caused more damage to the surrounding area or its peoples. The cause of the explosion and malfunction is not overtly apparent nor is there some supervillain in the general area laughing and rubbing his or her hands together.
Emergency crews are still on the scene and Captain Atom is seen standing with the Fire Marshal of Station 89. Atom gives his account of the events and notes that he's unsure as to the cause. Atom also briefed the Fire Marshal that Metropolis LIght and Power will need to do some re-wiring due to the massive damage of the substation. The Fire Marshal thanks Atom and they break from one another. Atom moves to once again look over the substation with his special vision so that he can ensure there are no other threats.
When Atom arrived, he may have noticed that despite an explosion in such a sensitive area, there wasn't much in the way of fire burning in and around ground zero. There are plenty of signs that parts of the environment were on fire before being snuffed out, and he may even spot a column of it shooting into the sky as he closes in on Metropolis, but by the time he arrives, it's all scorch marks and lingering smoke.
He may also notice an exotic energy signature lurking near the substation as he absorbs its energies, and afterwards as he deals with the response crews; potentially odd, even if it isn't accompanied by laughing or hand-rubbing. When the Marshal and the Captain depart from one another, the signature is still thereand it's close. And getting closer, approaching from the Captain's flank until
"Do you know what might have caused it?" a young woman wonders from a few feet to the Captain's side; the strange energy bleeds from the vicinity as a brown-skinned teenager fades into view. "I did what I could; I'm no engineer, though."
Answering automatically, Captain Atom says, "At this point, I have no idea." Though as he turns to address the youth he states, "You did what you…?" which is interrupted as he realizes the source of the exotic energy is /her/. He changes course of the statement and relays, "I'm Captain Atom. I suspect you are one of the many metahumans of this city."
"Of course; my name is X—andra," the young woman/Skrull replies, arms unfolding from over her chest to offer the Captain a salute. The gesture, like his answer, is a matter of pure instinct; so too is the straightened posture she adopts as she addresses him.
"I haven't chosen my metahuman name yet, though," she adds. This, in spite of being dressed in a form-fitting purple bodysuit with black flames running up either side. As she gradually lowers her hand to her side, Xavin adds, "I dealt with the fire; the rest was up to you. Fortunately, you didn't fail us."
"Xandra." is repeated by Atom as he himself offers more of a casual salute, he is Air Force after all. He continues, "It's a pleasure to meet you." and then glances around, "Perhaps we can talk in a less public forum." Indicating a nearby rooftop, he points, "Perhaps up there?"
The rooftop is that of a local tenant building, 17 floors tall and in slight disrepair but still occupied. Local authorties and the media may want to pry in on their conversations and isolating them both may seem like a better idea.
Xavin/Xandra's eyes follow the Captain's gesture, and after she squints up there for a moment, real fire begins to burn along the edges of her body.
"Very well," she replies before taking off. It's almost more of a jet-assisted leap than proper flight: a rapidly ascending arc that leaves a burning trail behind her and ends with her landing in a crouch on the rooftop. Once she's up there, she straightens up and takes a moment to examine the roof - as well as those nearby - with warily narrowed eyes before turning back towards the street and taking a seat on the edge of the building.
Watching the initial ascent, Atom will inspect the nature of the flight and the level of energy emitted. He will then follow when she is at the apex of her arc. He himself will touch down lightly upon the rooftop approximately 2 yards away.
Captain Atom then begins down a conversation thread by requesting, "If you would indulge me I would like to ask a few questions regarding your presence here and your abilities. You seem quite young and I don't recognize you from any of the files we possess on metahumans."
Xavin/Xandra is emitting plain old heat in flight, and at fairly controlled levels - enough to give herself the thrust needed to make it from blacktop to rooftop, more or less; even after she sits and the outer flames are extinguished, she's putting out a few more degrees than a healthy human being should.
If the Captain remains standing near her instead of sitting, she'll eventually stand so that they're facing one another; either way, she offers, "It's because I haven't had my powers for very long," as she puts on a smile that's meant to be assuring. "I can become invisible and do things with fire—like absorb it." She gestures her hands down along the sides of her body and adds, "Even the costume shops around here are getting some interesting selections in nowadays."
Seeing that she's interested in speaking somewhat openly and the casual posture she takes, Atom will kneel down onto one knee where they can be more on her level. He doesn't wish to seem imposing - his large silver form does enough of that on a regular basis.
"Interesting power set." is noted by Atom and with her citation of the local comic shops he will query, "Then you live in this area, perhaps a student?"
Ultimately, Atom doesn't want to appear as if he is prying, more on the level of making casual conversation even though his questions are direct - which is one of his staple character traits.
"A student, yes," Xavin readily agrees. It helps that Atom is keeping the tone broad and conversational so far, because getting deep is bad for Xavin. Captain Atom wasn't in any of her briefings on Tarnax VII; for all she knows, the silver-skinned hero - if, indeed, he is a hero, and not an opportunist with ulterior motives for sparing the substation - has a direct line to just the right arm of the planet's authority structure to doom her. The longer she can keep her mask intact, the better—at least until she knows where he stands.
"Well. Former student; graduated from high school. No college, yet; stuff just kind of…" She drops her eyes pointedly to her costumed self for a moment before re-establishing eye-contact. "… got in the way. I feel like I've been learning plenty, though; things are—very different, nowadays. It's almost like being in a whole new world."
Listening quietly and reflectively, Captain Atom maintains eye contact and will allow her to divulge as much as she feels comfortable with. There's a thoughtful nod of understanding as he conveys, "It happens to a lof of us. Things, like powers, get in the way of life." Then in a tone of conscern, Atom asks, "Do you have a support group or organization that you can fall back on to aid you in your new ventures or get you back on the education track?"
"I've just been going my own way so far," Xavin replies with a small shake of her head. "I sort of tumbled into this head-first; haven't really had a chance to get my bearings, or anything." Her head cants a little as she turns her body a bit more fully towards the Captain, perching a foot on the edge of the roof in the process. "What about you? Are you actually the 'captain' of something, or is it just—a name?"
Without commenting on the initial statement, for it may be out of line, Captain Atom moves to the second with an answer, "Captain Nathan Adam, United States Air Force. Active duty. Though, since the incident, I've been dubbed Captain Atom and have been working exclusively for the Air Force overseas until recently when I was assigned Stateside to operate as a… super hero." The last two words said with some disdain for he doesn't see himself as either. "I chartered a group called the Outsiders, we operate out of the greater New York region and are seeking new members. Allow me to insert a disclaimer. We're not like the military, in no way. No one gives orders and we operate as a collective or autonomously as needed."
"But you're in the military." It isn't a question, but there's a wary, almost accusatory tone behind the statement, even if Xavin manages to maintain her curious expression as she makes it. She doesn't say much else afterwards, preferring instead to study the shining Captain as she considers what to do with the news—and invitation, for that matter.
Working alongside a member of the country's armed forces could be a terrible risk: there's no good way of knowing what he or his superiors might do with the news of a Skrull hiding on Earth, but she can recall plenty of troubling reports from scouting parties who ran afoul of the planet's 'mystery men' in decades past.
Then again: being in close proximity to not just a soldier, or even just a superhero, but a group of superheroes would be a great opportunity to experience more of the world, and she could even learn a thing or two about how the armed forces operate in the process; even if the Captain himself means her no harm, there's nothing that says his army is similarly innocuous.
"I-hm," she mumbles, looking away from him to stare down at the street below. "Itsounds pretty swell, having backup and all; this stuff seems kind of complex, and" She shuts her mouth for a moment, then after pushing a breath out through her nose, concludes, "I think I'd be interested in something like that…"
Atom smiles as she comes to the conclusion after stumbling over a few words. He stands and offers his hand to help her up. As he does, he says, "How about this. We can arrange meetings with the other members, perhaps even do a few ops together if they present themselves. Feel one another out. Making sure it's a good fit."
"Fair enough," Xavin replies. She looks up and squints at the offered hand momentarily before bracing both of hers against the edge of the building to assist herself in hopping back to her feet. Once she's upright, she flashes the Captain a fleeting smile, and then just clasps his hand to give it a firm shake.
A moment after making contact, she suddenly grimaces as something important occurs to her: "Idon't really have a phone, or anything, though. Ore-mail?" As soon as she says it, she makes a note to herself to find a computer and figure out what, exactly, e-mail is; all of the scouting reports made it sound simultaneously primitive and wondrous. "Or the 'Tweeter'." Beat. "Low tech household," she hastily tacks on. "If you have a number, though, I could call it…?"
"Fair enough," Xavin replies. She looks up and squints at the offered hand momentarily before bracing both of hers against the edge of the building to assist herself in hopping back to her feet. Once she's upright, she flashes the Captain a fleeting smile, and then just clasps his hand to give it a firm shake.
A moment after making contact, she suddenly grimaces as something important occurs to her: "Idon't really have a phone, or anything, though. Ore-mail?" As soon as she says it, she makes a note to herself to find a computer and figure out what, exactly, e-mail is; all of the scouting reports made it sound simultaneously primitive and wondrous. "Or the 'Tweeter'." Beat. "Low tech household," she hastily tacks on. "If you have a number, though, I could call it…? There are still payphones, aren't there?"
After the hand is taken in a handshake as opposed to that of a helping hand, Atom states while reaching up to take a com unit out of his ear. He pushes a tiny button on it three times and then offers, "Take this on loan.". He then points, "You press this button to begin broadcasting. Give us a call within 3 days when you're ready to meet. We will come to whatever location you wish." Atom will then he will offer the ear bud. It's nothing more than a two way radio. Probably his 20th after burning out all those before.
Xavin pushes the comm unit into her ear with a solemn nod as soon as it's offered to her. In actuality, she means to hide it somewhere away from her normal haunts around the neighborhood as soon as they separate - at least until she knows a little more about the Captain and his Outsiders - because for all she knows, it could easily be a tracking device of some kind; for right now, though, keeping up appearances is important.
"Alright, thank you; I can do that." Beat. "I mean—I will do that," she corrects, punctuating it with a brisk salute for good measure. "Thank you; I'm glad I met you."
Atom smiles and gives a nod. "The feeling is mutual."
Then, as before, Captain Atom glows and lifts off the rooftop. He gives one last look down to Xandra and states, "We'll talk soon." But without waiting for a reply, the Captain is off and away.