(2014-10-19) Dangerous Little Spider 3
Dangerous Little Spider Pt 3
Summary: Years later, Daimon Hellstrom appears to check up on his investment. Spoiling her first field operation as a Super Spy, with unexpected results and leaving her with even more questions.
Date: 1945-01-15
Related: http://ageofheroesmux.wikidot.com/log:2014-10-15-dangerous-little-spider http://ageofheroesmux.wikidot.com/log:2014-10-16-dangerous-little-spider-2
Scene Runner: Black Widow
Social/Plot: Plot

January 15, 1945.

It is cold (low to mid 20's) in Poland, as it is in most of western Europe this time of year. Poland borders Germany and the USSR has been moving into the area, aiming to capture cities as footholds to increase their assault against Germany. One such foothold they seek is Warsaw.

Natalia (now simply going by the Black Widow, but her 'official' name in the USSR as a Spy is Natasha Romanov.) was sent in early to secure intel so that their occupation can proceed flawlessly. Defense organization, troop arrangements and patrols, etc.

She has filled out quite nicely since she received the serum. The perfect, flawless form. Crimson hair, as rich as blood that falls past her shoulders, and she looks much like she will for the next 60-70ish years into the future.

Snow falls heavily on the ground, blankets of it making it difficult to see, or really move in some cases. It reaches nearly three feet in depth, worse in some areas. Larger vechiles try to shove it out of the way in the main streets to at least allow passage of military vehicles, but even that is a slow going process. Three days of snow like this makes things difficult.

Natalia has made her way into one of the Lieutenant's rooms, rifling through the papers and draws therein. A safe that she breaks into effortlessly. The Red Room has taught her well. She's dressed in a black uniform, though different from what she has now. Heavier cloth to help ward against the cold, but a fabric that allows her free movement. The jacket is void of any affiliation markings, the slacks falling over soft soled boots. The jacket itself has a high collar, the first two buttons in the front left undone to show at least some flesh.


Hellstrom is a curious man. He wants to know how his acquisition is fairing behind enemy lines. He wants to ensure that she live a long life for she is quite the asset, especially when it comes to the soul-trade.

He knew of her mission, he knew her goals, and he wanted to mess it all up so he could play a larger role in the ordeal. So he tipped off the guards that she would be coming. He made sure that she couldn't find an easy escape. And finally, because he didn't want her killed, he got their powder wet so their guns wouldn't fire. He's a man of means - magical means.

His intention is to pose as a German officer, he uses the magics to ensure that the guards do not know any better. So he waits for the trap to be sprung, for the alarms to sound, and for the guards to summon him onto the scene. He's curious what he will find.


Escape was not easy. As soon as the sounds started to sound outside the office/dorm room she had invaded on the barracks premises, there was only one way out. The window. Crashing through it has small shards that only lightly cut her skin. The serum does offer a level of durability, after all. Her uniform takes the brunt of it, with some tears. Landing rather roughly in the snow, it isn't easy regaining footing, even when your as agile as she is.

Nor is running in snow that deep. She makes it across the back area of the barracks, aiming to try and scale one of the smaller buildings so she can get at the wall. The grumbling of the soldiers that their weapons aren't firing is a saving grace.

The wall of the barracks area is guarded, and where their guns aren't working, they pull kabar-like knives on her once she reaches them. That at least ensues a combat she's far more comfortable with. Three are knocked off with their own knives protruding from their bodies. A fourth is stabbed through the throat and pinned to the wooden support behind him. She jumps off the other side to land in a pile of snow.

He did mess up her operation; now they know her face, now she can't get back in unless she is extremely stealthy and in this weather? Yeah… that will be extremely difficult.


Hellstrom underestimated the spider, he smiles and enjoys the knowledge gained. He remains in the warmth of his office with his eyes closed and monitors her movements. He whispers, "Pretty, pretty spider."

Now he will have to take a new tactic. He will continue to monitor her movements until she settles down and finds a safe place to rest and regroup.


Given the weather and how far out the USSR Troops are, waiting on her intel, she is on her own. She leaves Warsaw, with some difficulty. Getting past guards while they are on high alert means more blood on her hands as she makes her way through, though she tries to avoid them as much as she can. She doesn't need a trail.

Outside the city limits, she takes refuge in a cave where she had hidden some of her equipment. Her body is cold from all the trudging through the snow, and she suffered a few lucky little cuts from some of the soldiers that tried to overwhelm her, but nothing serious.

She doesn't build a fire. Doesn't want to give away her location. She does however dig out the blankets and one of the MREs she had stashed, curled up behind a rock in the shadows so she can cover herself in the heavy wool blankets to regain some body heat while she gets something in her stomach.

They never said the spy life was glamorous, or easy.


Now that she is settled, Hellstrom stands, changes his clothing to basic spy black and will gather the information she was originally search for. He will then step through a portal. The other end of the portal will be near to her location in the mouth of the cave. Moving into the cave, he will bring warmth with him. Such that the cave will become more bearable and hospitable. In his left hand are the documents. He is not armed and does not need be.


Natasha sets her field rations aside when she feels things changing in the cave. She is hidden behind one of the larger rocks, using the shadows and darkness to conceal herself. Though someone just walking in…

She slowly and quietly sheds the blankets, pulling a knife in hand as she creeps through the shadows, remaining hidden. Its been a few years; she doesn't recognize him right off. They've messed with her head enough its hard to tell what is real memories and what aren't. She is silent and alert. Waiting to see what he does.


"Come out, come out, whereever you are." chants Hellstrom, yet knowing full well where she is. He feigns looking about behind rocks, "Are you here? Are you here? Oh wait, maybe you're over here." He's actually having fun at this little game of cat and mouse.


There is something familiar in that voice. She recognizes it, but can't quite place it. Natalia waits patiently until he moves just enough past her before she comes out of the shadows to literally jump on his back. The dude is tall!

She aims to hook an arm around his neck, pressing the tip of the dagger against the jugular while her legs wrap against his chest to help hold her in place. "Who are you and what do you want?" She hisses low in his ear, her voice holding the heavier accent of her natural Russian. It hasn't faded to be more controlled yet. The language she uses is German, given the area.


Hellstrom smiles and stays solid with her assault. He does not stumble and her weight will be held strongly upon his back. He will switch to the Russian from the German, "Well hello there, fraulein. Or should I say Guten leben to keep up the charade?"


The dagger presses a little firmer against his neck, trying to at least lightly prick his skin to draw up some blood. A warning. "You didn't answer my question." She falls back easily to Russian, but the deadly spider doesn't release her hold.


Hellstrom wonders how far she can be pushed, or how far she can actually push. He's curious about her training and the serum, if the serum will give her the ability to pass the mystical barriers and harm him. He doesn't give answer to her question, instead, he challenges her, "Or what? What is going to happen little spider? Are you going to sting me?"


"If you know my name, you should know." The Widow is physically strong. It is all physical enhancements. She can lift upwards of 600lbs, faster, more durable. Though it is all physical enhancements. There is nothing magical or mystical about her in any way. So likely not.

She nearly tries to shove the dagger into his neck, tired of the game. But yet… she can't. Like something is holding her back. To try and cover, she climbs off of him, keeping the blade held at the ready, just in case. "I suggest you leave. I'm in a generous mood." Granted, in all seriousness, it is the worst thing she could do. She would kill him to cover her tracks, but yet… she can't.


Hellstrom smiles as she waves the blade at him and threatens with words, "What's that? Can't follow through with the kill?" He steps closer to her, taunting. "Here, let me get closer so you can drive the dagger into my chest."


Her stoic features shift into a frown as he nears her. Her stance shifts so she can bolt if she needs to, the tip of the dagger pressed against his chest. "Who are you?"


His right hand will reach forward and move the hair from her face. He will stand over her and look down into her eyes. Hellstrom maintains the nefarious smile as he says, "I am your master." in a very cold and dark voice.


"I know my masters. They are not you." The USSR, the Directors and leaders she answers to. The ones she does the dirty work for. Though Natalia doesn't move as he brushes the crimson hair from her face, her green eyes cold and unforgiving. The Red Room made her into a ruthless, cold blooded killer. But also a damn good spy.


"Allow me to demonstrate." states Hellstrom. With a tiny little pluck of the air in front of her face, he will tweak her soul. Such that it will send a shockwave throughout her body. It may or may not be pain, but it is definitely a feeling of something being torqued deep within.


Her eyes widen a measure. That.. is nothing she's ever felt before. The Assassin rocks back a step, her grip on the dagger still strong, but her offensive against him faultering. "What…"


He will hold the papers in front of her, then drop them to her feet. "I believe this is what you were looking for, little spider." is said as he turns away and begins to exit the cave. Leaving her with a mystery to solve.

(feel free to tag the log with character names of those involved!)

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