Nia Peeples
Name: Neena Thurman
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Unknown
Age: 29
Aliases: Jessica Marie Costello
Origin: Metahuman
Present Location: Various
Occupation: Mercenary
Team: N/A
Alignment: Neutral
Significant Other(s): Milo Thurman (Deceased)
Powers and Abilities: Probability Manipulation
Portrayed by: Nia Peeples

IC Events

Domino's Logs

(2014-12-19) Mongo - Jungle Crawl
Mongo - Jungle Crawl Summary: The SHIELD team follows up a lead on a supply cache hidden within...

(2014-12-15) Off-World History
Off-World History Summary: Nightcrawler and Domino have a drink and a talk about their last...

(2014-12-14) Droneball
Droneball Summary: It's a quiet evening in a Metropolis park. Or is it? Date: IC Date...

(2014-12-12) Mongo - Disruption Tactics
Mongo - Disruption Tactics Summary: The SHIELD away team executes their first off-world strike....

(2014-12-09) Mongo - SHIELD Arrives
Mongo - SHIELD Arrives Summary: The first wave of SHIELD and allies teleports in for recon....

(2014-12-05) Shadow Operators
Shadow Operators Summary: There's time for one more meet and greet before it's the potential end...

(2014-12-05) Donut Express
Donut Express Summary: After having a talk with Hawkeye, Domino starts to make good on her plans...

(2014-12-04) Bullet-Time Cinematics
Bullet-Time Cinematics Summary: Hawkeye and Domino catch up on some imminent street level...

(2014-11-29) To Shell and Back
To Shell and Back Summary: A Gotham nightclub is about to get a little bit bloody. (Violence and...

(2014-11-26) Cat's in the Bag
Cat's in the Bag Summary: Domino uses the Macy's Parade as a time to teach Kurt about...

(2014-11-09) Southern Discomfort
Southern Discomfort Summary: A bunch of goons (and a merc!) attempt to rob a jewelry store. The...

(2014-11-06) A Mean Sandwich
A Mean Sandwich Summary: Kurt meets up with Domino at the wrong place, apparently - she lets him...

(2014-11-04) Running with the Tracksuits
Running with the Tracksuits Summary: After being caught by the Russian Mafia, and using their...

(2014-10-29) Sending a Message, Part 2
Sending a Message, Part 2 Summary: After Black Lightning secures the lot, Domino chases the...

(2014-10-27) Sending a Message, Part 1
Sending a Message, Part 1 Summary: Domino and Black Lightning go after a cell of The 100 in the...

(2014-10-14) October means Oktoberfest
October means Oktoberfest Summary: Nothing like some beer and brot. Date: 2014-10-14 ...

(2014-10-11) We /Get/ Intel
We /Get/ Intel Summary: Kurt picks up Domino from a drop off point, goes to talk about her...

(2014-10-09) As Clear as Night and Day
As Clear as Night and Day Summary: Domino chances upon Black Lightning, receives a special...

(2014-10-07) Gaining Experience
Gaining Experience Summary: Domino throws Kurt to the wolves, teaches him how to borrow cars...

(2014-10-03) The Benign Beginning of the Bamfing Bamfs
The Benign Beginning of the Bamfing Bamfs Summary: Blackout and Nightcrawler ponder the powers...

(2014-09-27) Standard Retaining Fees Apply
Standrd Retaining Fees Apply Summary: Following the stakeout, Kurt makes an offer to Domino ...

(2014-09-27) Special Delivery
Special Delivery Summary: Happenstance brings Domino, Nightcrawlwer, and Blackout all pretty...

(2014-09-26) Meeting of the Mimes
Meeting of the Mimes Summary: Er Minds . Nightcrawler and Hawkeye meet to talk mafia, Domino...

(2014-09-25) Observatory Shocked
Observatory Shocked Summary: A Mongo Shock Trooper hits the Griffin Observatory in Metropolis,...

(2014-09-22) Meanwhile at Bobby's
Meanwhile at Bobby's Summary: Domino, Nightcrawler, and Hawkeye all get acquainted, friendly...

(2014-09-21) Four Eggs Scambled
Four Eggs Scrambled Summary: Nightcrawler chances upon Domino locked in a trunk, as mayhem...

(2014-09-20) Checkmate Buster
Checkmate Buster Summary: Blackout and Domino cross paths when they go after the same mark. ...


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